Hey everyone, it's been a long time since I've posted here

Life has been very busy now that I have two small kids, and last year I changed jobs from Blizzard Entertainment to Moon Studios.
Four years ago I started working on an illustrated book, partially because I was a new dad, and partially because I wanted to practice my painting since my background is in 3d modeling. The book is finally complete and I've just launched a Kickstarter for it, it's called
The Inn at the Edge of the World.
If you have time, please take a look and give me your feedback! If you like the work, backing the campaign would be a huge help. Sharing it on social media is also amazingly helpful, since I don't have much of a network. I'm trying to raise enough funds to print a small run of books, so every bit helps!
You can view the campaign here, which has a lot more information.