The normal map on my helix-handle doesn’t, to me, appear correctly. (?) All that I see is black lines swirling around the handle. However, when I rotate the camera in Maya 2016, as you can see in my sixth image, I see something like it’s suppose to look like. I think. (?) Which makes me think the normal map is done correctly (?) and this is the way it’s suppose to look. (?) I don’t know.
In the transfer map settings, I used tangent space. Though, something tells me I should be using object space since this is a hard surface model. (?) Also, I used world space for the “transfer in,” Gaussian for filter size, the filter size is 3, and the “Fill texture seams” is 3.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone would let me know if there is something else I am suppose to do when baking my normal map.
P.S. - 4th image: low poly with the normal map applied.
- 7th & 8th images: high poly
The high's edges are much too sharp, and the "in and out" angles of the grip are much too steep to show up well on the normal map.
Edit: Here's an example
You can't expect the normal map to do all the heavy lifting. It's only a 2d texture. You have to give it supporting geometry if you expect it to look its best. Just adding a few edge-loops and modeling out the basic major shapes really help it read.
The one on the left has the low modeled to the high. The one in the middle has a good high, but without the low meeting it halfway, it's still a losing battle. And the one on the right is the closest to yours, I think. Sharp edges, sharp inclines, and no supporting geometry.