Welcome to our post everyone
Tejada Solutions InternationalWe are a United States based digital media house that covers most if not all aspects of digital/visual media including your project's needs. It's a great time to get some great work done for your next project from a reputable firm with years of experience in the field. Our service doesn't just start or stop with any commissioned work, we pride ourselves in going the extra mile to ensure your project's success.
Things you'll enjoy with us are nifty little features and benefits such as live project trackers/updates, 24/7 support*(add-on), live phone support, easy access to our team members to ask any of your important questions, in-house rendering farms for those heavy projects that need serious man(computer)power, and a team known for putting forth the most effort possible to ensure our client's satisfaction rating is through the roof.
Our current service offerings include:
- 3D Modeling
- 3D Rendering
- 3D Game Art
- Animation
- 2D Art
- UI Design
- Game Development
- Game Design
- Virtual Reality Development** Heavy Speciality in this area
You can visit our portfolio here:
Our Contact Information:
Skype: TejadaArtSolutions
Phone: (786) 479-6400
Email: Sales@TejadaSolutionsInternational.com
Address: 1200 Brickell Avenue Suite
#1950 , Miami, Florida, 33131 OR 276 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, 10001
Well I believe that's enough rambling, time to show some art