If you use sRGB as the color format of your BaseColor channel in Painter, Photoshop should not have changed anything. It looks like the plugin thought your channel was in Linear and switched the PSD to linear colors and blending. If you use the Edit > Assign Profile (not Convert to profile) option in PS, do the colors go back to normal?
Hey guys, Did you find a solution to this? I am having the similar problem to this except it only shows itself when I save off a Targa. Then the colours are much much darker in the Targa.
Exported PSD
This problem is apparently signified by an "*" at the top of the document. So it says RBG/8* instead of RGB/8. It means that a Color Profile hasn't been assigned and it thinks the image is using a Custom profile. Here's what we see from the Assign Profile menu (Edit > Assign Profile...) and then
I tried saving off a collapsed jpg, which does keep the correct colour but it's then darkened again when I save off a Targa (the jpg also has (RGB/8*) at the top). I've also tried duplicating the layers to a new document but it then makes the layers darker in that too. Even if either of these solutions had worked, it's still not an ideal workflow as I want to have workable PSD's for people to be able to edit if they need to.
the only way is to keep PSD from Painter as it is and make a macro that flattens all layers on export because there is slight difference in how blending modes work in Painter in PS.
That's not ideal because the reason I want it as a PSD is so that it can be edited if need be. Not everyone I work with has Painter or knows how to use it yet.
It's annoying because this makes the option to export layers to Photoshop absolutely pointless. Why on earth would you want to do it if the result did not correspond with the look in Painter? A flattened one is fine, but then why bother with a PSD at all? I hope they do come up with a solution to this.
If you use the Edit > Assign Profile (not Convert to profile) option in PS, do the colors go back to normal?
Did you find a solution to this? I am having the similar problem to this except it only shows itself when I save off a Targa. Then the colours are much much darker in the Targa.
Exported PSD
This problem is apparently signified by an "*" at the top of the document. So it says RBG/8* instead of RGB/8.
It means that a Color Profile hasn't been assigned and it thinks the image is using a Custom profile.
Here's what we see from the Assign Profile menu (Edit > Assign Profile...)
and then
I tried saving off a collapsed jpg, which does keep the correct colour but it's then darkened again when I save off a Targa (the jpg also has (RGB/8*) at the top).
I've also tried duplicating the layers to a new document but it then makes the layers darker in that too.
Even if either of these solutions had worked, it's still not an ideal workflow as I want to have workable PSD's for people to be able to edit if they need to.
I hope you guys can help!
it's ok workaround actually
That's not ideal because the reason I want it as a PSD is so that it can be edited if need be. Not everyone I work with has Painter or knows how to use it yet.
It's annoying because this makes the option to export layers to Photoshop absolutely pointless. Why on earth would you want to do it if the result did not correspond with the look in Painter? A flattened one is fine, but then why bother with a PSD at all?
I hope they do come up with a solution to this.
Thanks for getting back though @dzibarik
After exporting the file from SP to PS, change the profile in PS to CMYK. Then go back to RGB again.
image ---> mode ---> CMYK (dont merge layers)
image ---> mode ---> RGB
Export to TGA.