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1920-1960 / 3D Artist

Hi there! For a new project i need 3D models that i can use onto my video. 360 individual video's that i can import into my editing program to overlay my video.
The base layer of the video is ready. I must add 5 more (pictures)video's before release. Here's a preview that u guys can see what i mean:

Everything is moving from an old postcard to "real" video footage of that time. But to fill up the space i need some 3D models that i can import into a layer that i'm moving in post.
- The cloths style u can see in the picture with the tram - - The picture's are deticated between 1940 and 1960 -
4 different men - walking
1 men - riding a old bike 5 different men working ( hammer, chop the ground, carrying buckets with dirt , ... )

2 different females - walking
1 female - cleans the floor
2 kids running around - 2 kids playing with each other )
3 different cars - driving
1 riding train
1 riding tram

If u need more information u can type it right here. And i hope some people can work this out for me, and doing 3D modeling for other video's.
Must need to entry this project: A basic preview of 3 above models
**The export of this 3D models are not to be super realistic** Just to fill up the video with some movements.

If u need some inspiration, i can send u some links
Thanks, Nick
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