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Video Reference - Prop color?

Greg DAlessandro
polycounter lvl 11
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Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 11
Plan: Record sword and shield animations of myself for reference to animate. I have 2 options: 1) wood color/grain sword and shield + black and white tape markers or 2) black sword and shield + white tape markers Question: Would option 2 increase clarity? (IE. make it easier to see the sword and shield motions) I don't know if it would actually make it harder to read, as I will be wearing all black (with white tape markers). But at the same time, it might make it easier to read as the white markers might stand out more. Thank you.


  • slipsius
    Ya, depends on what you`re wearing. if you wear all black, go for something lighter. If you`re wearing white, go for something darker. 
  • jmg06
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    jmg06 polycounter lvl 5
    Making sure you are well lit and contrast well with the background is going to help a lot. If you record outdoors or in a room with bright lights it shouldn't really matter which option you pick. Make sure you film from different angles and more takes than you need because megabytes are free!
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