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Generated Matierals In Portfolios

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What's up guys,

Had a quick question regarding generated materials in portfolios.   With the release of Quixel Megascans the time it takes to create really good looking environment textures is much less than creating them yourself with the same quality and everyone knows that time is key.  

That being said my question is do you think employers will look down on me if my portfolio consists of environments that use more Quixel Megascan textures rather than my own textures I've created from scratch. I just know that I can finish good looking environments faster using Quixel Megascans rather than creating all of my own textures, but worried that employers are looking for me to have all self created textures in my environments rather than using a package to generate them for me. Thanks for any feedback guys I really appreciate it.


  • Bhrazz
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    Bhrazz polycounter lvl 17
    If you can showcase shader's of equal quality or better, it shouldnt be a problem. However, if I'd have to choose between 2 candidates, one who made 100% his stuff and the other one did not, I'll definetly be more incline to go with #1.

    Some other people might just not give an opportunity, because ''Hey, everybody can use quixel megascan too''
  • Marshkin
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    Marshkin polycounter lvl 9
    I think it depends on how you are trying to sell yourself.
    If you're selling yourself as a texturing artist... there may be some concerns.

    Keep in mind that no all studios use megascan, or create environments where megascans materials may not work as easily (Ie: SciFi)

    Proving that you can still make textures shows that you are versatile and not limited to one aspect of environment or prop art. 
  • beefaroni
  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    There's slapping megatextures on a model, and using them effectively. If you're doing substantial work with it, it will show. That said, if the position you desire is heavy on texturing, it would be in your best interest to demonstrate that you can create a set of textures yourself either by nodes or by hand as opposed to relying wholly on scans.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    If I were to hire you for our art-team, I'd fully expect you to be able to do everything yourself. If you show me a portfolio that only uses megascans then I'd probably go for someone else. That's why I feel like I prefer people with Substance Designer/Painter experience.

    Don't neglect the basic skills because it's the long route. You're only neglecting yourself then.

    There are also other ways of going around things, if you wanna show your lighting/composition/color theory skills you could easily make much simpler environments and focus on the big picture instead of doing 30 super detailed props/foliage to put in your environment.
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