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Marmoset 3 thoughts and feedback

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lotet hero character
First of I must say I love the toolbag 3 so far!  even better then I expected, marmoset have always been a big part of my workflow, from rough renders of firs-pass highpoly sculpts to final presentations.

I absolutely LOVE the shadow catcher! Ive just started playing around with the baker and so far its looking like its gonna replace xNormal for me.

some questions and thoughts about the future.:
- Question: what, if any, are your prize plans for upgrading from toolbag 2?

- Feature request: something that would be really cool is if you could view the different texture channels on your model in the viewport pretty much like in the marmoset viewer. Marmoset is a big part of my texture pipeline, and being able to check how for example the diffuse looks on my model would be a really awesome thing to have.

Feature request:  having wireframe as a shader checkbox instead of in the render tab. I dont know if this is just me, but a lot of times I have both high and low poly models in my scene at the same time, and being able to have wire frame visible on the lowpoly model without a giant spider nest on my highpoly would be kind of sweet :)

in any case, toolbag 3 is awesome! thank you for


  • EarthQuake
    Hey Alex, thanks for the feedback, I'll log it in our suggestion list here.

    More information on pricing will come out a little closer to release, sorry I can't tell you anything more about that yet.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Hi EQ - I updated to the latest version of Toolbag 3, upon opening it again I've been having problems with DPI scaling on a 4k monitor - even when I disable this the UI still looks very 'low res'. Not sure if this has already been mentioned but thought I should bring it up, is there a fix at all? Thanks
  • EarthQuake
    Torch said:
    Hi EQ - I updated to the latest version of Toolbag 3, upon opening it again I've been having problems with DPI scaling on a 4k monitor - even when I disable this the UI still looks very 'low res'. Not sure if this has already been mentioned but thought I should bring it up, is there a fix at all? Thanks
    Hey, we're still working on this, it should get better in a later build.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Cool EQ, thanks. Couple of other quick q's, is it possible to:

    - Set a hotkey for creating Bake groups
    - Toggle show/hide high polys with a hotkey or function
    - Bake polypaint from ZBrush sculpts, similar to Vcols in XN

    Thanks :)
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Loving 3 so far, EQ. One niggly thing for me is the transform gizmo. It seems to require almost pixel-perfect accuracy.
  • EGGO
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    EGGO polycounter lvl 13
    Could be nice to have an option to turn on\off Cull Back Faces for all selected objects in scene.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Torch said:

    - Bake polypaint from ZBrush sculpts, similar to Vcols in XN

    You can do this already. just apply a material with vertex colors on your highpoly model.

    You can even bake from an Albedo Texture, thus doing texture transfers! which is super mega awesome Thanks @EarthQuake  and the guys at Marmoset!
     you guys are the awesome!

  • ahtiandr
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    ahtiandr polycounter lvl 12
    Will there be a support for the latest oculus rift?
  • Popeye9
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    Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
    Not sure if this is in but would love to be able to use 2nd uv channel for dirt maps. I have to tile maps for buildings a lot and end up using the 2nd channel for dirt or such.  
  • Tobi_dono
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    Tobi_dono polycounter lvl 4
    I got myself Marmoset Toolbag 3 but never really worked with it so is there a tutorial for tb 3 comming out or can you recommend me some ?
    (can also be from tb2)  that would be nice.
    the one on Marmosets homepage didn't really help, was mostly stuff i also got after playing a day around ^^'
    but still it is really nice and I like the baker and turntable (for Breakdown) quite a lot. :)
  • Tzur_H
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    Tzur_H polycounter lvl 9
    Would it be possible to add custom trademarks? Something like a special scene component that the user can plug in an image, and then transform it on similar to the TB3 watermark, would be cool if it'd take an alpha input as well to make parts cutout.

    Yes, I know this could be done in PS or any other image editing software... but seriously, TB is so good now that I don't really need to visit PS to touch up my renders, so might as well save the time!

    Just a thought :]
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Tzur_H said:
    Would it be possible to add custom trademarks? Something like a special scene component that the user can plug in an image, and then transform it on similar to the TB3 watermark, would be cool if it'd take an alpha input as well to make parts cutout.

    Yes, I know this could be done in PS or any other image editing software... but seriously, TB is so good now that I don't really need to visit PS to touch up my renders, so might as well save the time!

    Just a thought :]
    This is something Ive been thinking about too, would be really cool to be able to place your own watermarks/logos on your renders, either by replacing the marmoset one, or ad more.

    so we dont have to do THIS is Photoshop any longer :)
  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    lotet said:
    - Feature request: something that would be really cool is if you could view the different texture channels on your model in the viewport pretty much like in the marmoset viewer. Marmoset is a big part of my texture pipeline, and being able to check how for example the diffuse looks on my model would be a really awesome thing to have.
    I didn't think I wanted this but the more I think about it I need it.
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Custom Watermark: edit this file Program Files\Marmoset\Toolbag 3\data\gui\viewport\watermark.tga
    View Map on Model: try the button to the far right of the desired map in the Maps dropdown
  • MichaelF
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    MichaelF polycounter lvl 11
    I just upgraded from 2 and there's a few thing I'm missing.

    Really wish there was a easy way to make the viewer run offline, so sharing files for feedback would be simple instead of hosting it online. So just a .exe you click and it shows up. (Plug and play :P ) or even drag the .mview into chrome would work.

    Also a bit disappointed that there's no animation support in the viewer.

    A last thing is, that i kinda feel like a sucker that i didn't buy it on steam, since i want it to run on both of my computers, and it only supports one seat on the none steam version.
  • Zielarz
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    Zielarz vertex
    Hi, I'm using Marmoset 3 for few days now. At first I was rather disapointed because I thought that there would be more changes in materials. After some time I've noticed some nice things but still I'm not convinced to simplicity of subsurface scattering. I like M2 approach where I can tweak blur for shadow, occlusion and normal map separately. When I compare the same scene renders form M2 and M3 I still prefer more M2 pics. I think it would be great if there were more advenced options.

    Some smaller changes - I liked the sliders for object rotation in M2. I was using them especially for quick setup of lights position (mostly directional lights).

  • Tobi_dono
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    Tobi_dono polycounter lvl 4

    Its one of my test bakes, it was quite easy, fast and had a good quality in normal baking ^^
    well somethimes thought i have problems to move my cam right in the scene ^^'
  • EarthQuake
    Tobidy said:
    I got myself Marmoset Toolbag 3 but never really worked with it so is there a tutorial for tb 3 comming out or can you recommend me some ?
    (can also be from tb2)  that would be nice.
    the one on Marmosets homepage didn't really help, was mostly stuff i also got after playing a day around ^^'
    but still it is really nice and I like the baker and turntable (for Breakdown) quite a lot. :)
    We have some early tutorials from the Alpha stage in the Toolbag User Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ToolbagUserGroup/

    I'm working on making some new ones but these cover the basics of the new features, baking, animation, skin shader, etc. Checked the pinned post, there are two videos linked there.

  • EarthQuake
    MichaelF said:
    I just upgraded from 2 and there's a few thing I'm missing.

    Really wish there was a easy way to make the viewer run offline, so sharing files for feedback would be simple instead of hosting it online. So just a .exe you click and it shows up. (Plug and play :P ) or even drag the .mview into chrome would work.

    Also a bit disappointed that there's no animation support in the viewer.

    A last thing is, that i kinda feel like a sucker that i didn't buy it on steam, since i want it to run on both of my computers, and it only supports one seat on the none steam version.
    Hey, Viewer files can be viewed offline with Firefox, just not Chrome, unfortunately.

    Animation support is something we've talked about, but it's still at the R&D stage at this point.

    The standalone license works essentially the same as the Steam version, it is not hardware locked to one computer. You can use multiple computers, when you switch from one computer to another we send out an automated email, all you need to do is click the link to verify the swap.
  • EarthQuake
    Zielarz said:
    Hi, I'm using Marmoset 3 for few days now. At first I was rather disapointed because I thought that there would be more changes in materials. After some time I've noticed some nice things but still I'm not convinced to simplicity of subsurface scattering. I like M2 approach where I can tweak blur for shadow, occlusion and normal map separately. When I compare the same scene renders form M2 and M3 I still prefer more M2 pics. I think it would be great if there were more advenced options.

    Some smaller changes - I liked the sliders for object rotation in M2. I was using them especially for quick setup of lights position (mostly directional lights).

    Hey, sorry we're a bit light on documentation right now, I'm working on some new tutorials. In the mean time, head over to the Toolbag 3 User group and check out this post I made, referencing some more information about the skin shader: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ToolbagUserGroup/permalink/1307288622645956/?match=c2tpbiBzaGFkZXIsam9lIHdpbHNvbg==

    Thanks for the feedback

  • MichaelF
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    MichaelF polycounter lvl 11
    Hey, Viewer files can be viewed offline with Firefox, just not Chrome, unfortunately.

    Animation support is something we've talked about, but it's still at the R&D stage at this point.

    The standalone license works essentially the same as the Steam version, it is not hardware locked to one computer. You can use multiple computers, when you switch from one computer to another we send out an automated email, all you need to do is click the link to verify the swap.
    Arh cool. I was afraid that it would cause problems if i kept switching computer with the licence.
    Is chrome support coming? or explore/edge?
  • EarthQuake
    MichaelF said:
    Arh cool. I was afraid that it would cause problems if i kept switching computer with the licence.
    Is chrome support coming? or explore/edge?
    You can switch your license as often as you want, it won't cause any problems.

    Chrome support is not planned, the problem is how chrome handles local data, it's not something we can make work on our end without some sort of additional program/plugin/extension or something like that, as far as I am aware. It's something that has been suggested before, and we've discussed our options, but there is nothing imminent planned on that front.
  • sjuskadur
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    sjuskadur polycounter lvl 7

    I have a question/suggestion. 

    I am trying to add a custom UI into the scene that is parented with the camera (so it follows the camera instead of hovering in space)

    It works great inside the toolbag. but when I export it the hierarchy gets collapsed or ignored and the UI (which is just a transparent texture on a plane) Becomes a floating object in space.

    Is this something that is achievable when exporting? am I missing something?

  • EarthQuake
    sjuskadur said:

    I have a question/suggestion. 

    I am trying to add a custom UI into the scene that is parented with the camera (so it follows the camera instead of hovering in space)

    It works great inside the toolbag. but when I export it the hierarchy gets collapsed or ignored and the UI (which is just a transparent texture on a plane) Becomes a floating object in space.

    Is this something that is achievable when exporting? am I missing something?

    Hey Guðjón,

    I assume you mean exporting to Viewer? If so, try enabling Export Animations, I believe this is required for parenting to work in some cases, even if you don't otherwise have animated content.
  • Violet
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    Violet polycounter lvl 9
    When you change the background, just keep the brightness of the previous background the same - is that possible?
  • renocrade
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    renocrade polycounter lvl 4
    I love marmoset 3. its fast and it updates the textures right away. Substance painter and marmoset goes together very well. I also love the quality of renders. Hair looks real.
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