Hi guys,
I'm trying to do a simple texturing in DDO. I added DDO's preview mesh (existed in installed directory) and added its relevant AO map. Then I chose Vray sRGB as profile because I'm gonna render it using Vray and 3ds max. In order to get an identical result with 3DO's PBR renderer, I decided to export each layered materials along with their masks independently. So I can use Vray Blend Material to blend all those layered materials. My problem is that when I export masks, the map is completely black while the used mask isn't pure black. This happens to all the exported mask maps. Please guide me.

I wanted to apologize for missing this post, and also to follow up:
Are you using a 16-bit or an 8-bit project? Be sure to match the bit type to the options in the mask exporter and that should clear this up.