Towards The Pantheon is a 2D top down role-playing game
in development that centers around four characters who group together
to defeat the Terrorforce, a malicious group who is using divide and
conquer tactics to conquer the world. Players journey through lush
forests, freezing plains of snow, dystopian cyberpunk cities, and barren
wastelands to find and defeat the source of the Terrorforce at The
Pantheon. Drawing inspiration from a variety of classics ranging from
Paper Mario, Silent Hill, and Golden Sun,
Towards The Pantheon is a personal game that is currently aiming for a Summer 2017 release. More info can be found on the
game's webpage and you can view our
teaser trailer here. Follow the project on
Youtube, and
Here is some of our current artwork and screenshots. We will update this thread when we have new artwork and screenshots to show off. Let us know what you think as we really appreciate feedback!

It's time for Towards The Pantheon's 18th devlog! You can find previous ones at
As you can see, we have a new trailer up and we've launched our Steam Greenlight campaign! We were originally planning to wait a bit longer to launch, but with news of Steam changing their Greenlight service we decided to launch as soon as possible. If you like what you see, please go and vote for us!
Our lead developer Connor was also recently interviewed about Towards The Pantheon on the Super Gamer Podcast, so check that out for some interesting info regarding the game! Thanks again to Mark for helping us spread the word about the game with his podcast!
We've also got a bunch of new screenshots that reveal new areas seen in the trailer. These include the sewers, the cyberpunk cities, and abandoned mansion. You can also see a few new enemy designs that we haven't shown off yet! Leandro released a speed pixel art video for the Sewers tiles, and will be releasing another video on Tuesday.
Development of the game has slowed down for about a week as we've been preparing and then promoting the new trailer and Greenlight campaign, but Leandro has livestreamed some pixel art work on his Twitch account and Connor will resume livestreaming development of the game tomorrow on his Twitch account. Now let's check out some new screenshots!
We've reworked our UI; the old gray boxes have been replaced with darker boxes, we have a new arrow sprite, and font now has an outline. We can change the color of both the text and the outline which may be helpful for making certain items and details stand out during dialog.
That’s it for this devlog! If you enjoyed it please share it and our Greenlight page around, and if there are any topics about the game and its development that you’d like me to cover in a future devlog be sure to let me know!
Follow Towards The Pantheon on: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Soundcloud, IndieDB, Twitch, Google+, Imgur, Pinterest
Follow Lead Developer Connor O.R.T. Linning on: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, Soundcloud, Twitch, Bandcamp