Hi, I am making a DH100 Vampire and right now I am at the stage of preparing the highpoly normal bake.
What I have in mind is to animate the model in the future, and to do so, I have seperated geometry like the flaps, rudder, airbrakes and such, and I need some advice on how to bake these separated parts and maintain the resolution of the UVW's relative to the much larger fuselage.
Any advice on a good workflow would be much appreciated ! Thanks

This is the same technique I use on my aircraft. An example of this would be my F/A-18E Super Hornet. Some of the normal details are a little strong (due to using an outdated hand-painted heightmap to normal workflow) but the core concepts are still there.
So you tell me there are two options, use vertex normals to emulate rounded edges on the lowpoly or bake the thing per usual to get round edges. The Hornet looks really great, and I read the thread you linked me to, but you still need to add a simple chamfer to the lowpoly's hard edges, right? Wont that add a lot more geometry to the model?
Mind if I can see the wireframe of the Hornet by the way?
@AlecMoody , I am ditching the animation idea and keeping it simple. This will just be a semi-realistic static model I will upload to Sketchfab.