Just starting out with Quixel suite and have a issue on my first project.
I'm getting visible seams on my model once I apply materials. See image for reference. Results look good for the most part, but on the underside I can see my UV seams... texture is not seamless across them. At least I think that's what I'm seeing. It's either that or a normal issue.
My normals look good when I initially load the model... see middle pic in image.
Seams only show up after material is applied... last pic in image.

There's another option you can try. You can always use a Color Paint layer in DDO to hand-paint over the seams to cover up any transitions. If utilized properly, this technique can look as though you sanded down the trouble spots. You'd need to copy the paint layer to your other texture channels to really push it, but it's certainly doable!
The option also exists to duplicate the material layer and change the scale up or down a notch or two, and then paint over the seams in a random fashion to help hide them.