Hey all,
Just wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to keep the feet planted when working with an animation layer in Max 2014. I set the feet to be planted, but when I add an animation layer and tweak the positioning of the root bip01, the entire body moves with it ignoring the fact that the feet are planted. I can't seem to find anywhere inside the layers rollout to re-plant the feet.
When you apply a layer it breaks that connection and enables you to move the entire animation to a new place or orientation, without it's feet being tied to the world place they where originally planted.
IF you want to plant them back to that spot, you go into the layers rollout, down to the Retargeting group and turn on the limb you want to plant.
OR collapse your layers down to the base layer and then replant your keys in their new positions.
I don't suggest animating with layers and retargeting active, it's a pretty intensive calculation that gets applied ontop of some already complex calculations. This causes it to not apply the correct position until after you have done moving the pieces around. It's feet will slide off as if planted keys where not active then when you let go, they'll snap to the correct position. It's annoying to work with. So I always collapse and replant.
Thanks for the help Mark!