Workflow: Issue:
1)Imported the UE4 Mannequin's skeleton and skeletal mesh
Note: their pose matches perfectly, but they’re not in a T-pose.
2) Define the skeleton in HumanIK.
Issue: Since the skeleton is not in a T-Pose, after I assign the upper arm, lower arm, and hand I am getting this Status message: "The right arm doesn't seem to be parallel to the x-axis. The right arm doesn't seem to be parallel to the x-axis."
1) Is this okay to ignore?
2) Will HumanIK work correctly if this message appears? If not how do I fix this issue?
Note: I don't know how to make the arms parallel to the x-axis, nor do I know how to move the skeleton to a T-pose.
Alternative Method 1:
1) Created a Temporary HumanIK Skeleton and Controls
2) Clicked Stance Pose (HumanIK moves it to a T-Pose)
Note: This skeleton is in a perfect T-Pose, but its joint positions don’t match the Skeletal Mesh.
3) Moved the Imported Skeleton's joints to the Temporary HumanIK Skeleton's joints
Issue: I don't know how to match the Rotation values. (The HumanIK Skeleton Rotation values show 0, as they are being driven by something).
Alternative Method 2:
1) Used Quick Rig tool > Step by Step > Selected Mesh
2) Created guides > moved the guides to Imported Skeleton’s joint positions
3) Created Skeleton and Controls
Note: The skeleton/Control positions match the Skeletal Mesh perfectly, and I can easily click Stance Pose to move to T-Pose
Issue: Doesn’t create finger: joints, nor IK/FK controls.
3) Does anyone know how I can get the Imported Skeleton to work with HumanIK?
Thank you.