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Maya Vewport problems with large scale scene

polycounter lvl 8
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Ssjtroll polycounter lvl 8
Hey all,

Hopefully you guys have run into this before and know how to fix it. When working in large scenes in maya 2016 like 60mx30m or something. Once I start getting multiple large assets in the scene, can just be cubes and cylinders my selection starts to not work. I will select one asset and it will select something behind it. It will eventually get to the point that vert snapping no longer works. Restarting Maya does not work, and exporting everything to a new scene will work for a small amount of time before it starts to mess up again.

Any Ideas?



  • throttlekitty
    Glad to know it's not just me, I've had the same issues and noticed the further away from scene center the worse it gets. The only workarounds I have are to either freeze transforms if possible; via rmb in the channel box you can freeze only translation if keeping rotation is important. -or just work in a smaller scale which is what I swapped over to a while ago, and I still run into distance issues messing with snapping/aligning to verts, sorry they both kinda suck.

    Something I didn't try was to group the whole scene and scale that down and only touch it again if you need to export or something. In my case the assets aren't leaving maya so I never explored that.
  • Keith01
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    Keith01 polycounter lvl 8
    I tried to re-create this problem but I have no issues with maya 2016 doing this. Are you using Maya 2016 SP6? Try and set your scale to meters and also bring up your clipping values on your Perspective camera.
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