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shader fx 'skin shader' cyan bleeding issue

polycounter lvl 11
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Allert polycounter lvl 11
Hi guys,

i managed to get a render target of a textured model in shader fx (with Kodde's tga pbl shader). But the blur in the red channel causes it to leave some nasty cyan bleeding along the shadowed areas. Is there a way to mask out the blurring in the lit areas?

help would be much appreciated!


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    there's no way to mask this without making the subsurface scattering happen in screenspace instead of in the material's fragment shader.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Have you considered using the Cyan Suppress feature? It's under tweaks if you are using the TGA PBL shader.

    Your idea is to only apply the effect of the blended normal on the lit areas? Or have I missunderstood you?
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    Hi Kodde, I'm using the TGA PBL shader, but can't find the cyan suppress feature. I only have 'invert roughness', 'rotate cube map' and 'LysMapOffset'. I'm using ShaderFX_TGA_PBL_1.0_RC7_Maya2016.sfx. The 'sss' effect i did its a kind of hack using a screen space blur in the red channel, and not using the blended normals. I did add a normal blend to fake the softer normals over the harder normals, by blending the same normal map with a lower mip level. I also added a red gradient map which I added on top of the diffuse via a dotproduct of the combined normals and light direction as its UVs. But yeah, my main issue is the cyan bleeding the blurring of the red channel causes. I know why this is happening, but I was wondering if I could counteract that somehow, by masking out the red blur on the lit areas a bit (where the cyan is most apparent)
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
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