Hi everyone , can anyone help about building a render farm from old pcs? i have like 4 or 5 pc that i don't use , so i would like to use them as network rendering for like Blender,maya,3ds max in either windows or linux . thx.
My first question is what research have you done so far? I bet there are a ton of resources out there for how to set things up.
Have you ever done network rendering before? I suggest choosing 1 software first, and get your setup working with it. That will iron out a bunch of issues. Then see about extending things.
Do you want it for your own in-house use? Or do you want to share with friends? Or do you want to sell time to others all across the world? Very different setups required.
Thank you Eric Chadwick
i couldn't find much on the issue,and it's the first time to try network rendering i have a solid knowledge on networking and how to install and configure the network , for the software i'm using blender for the moment for personal use only. Here is the scenario i use my HP desktop for modeling and send the render into my network.
I have a Max Vray farm of about 6 computers at work I use to render out lightmaps. It's fairly easy to setup with Vray, or Mentalray if you want to use a renderer that comes free with Max.
Install copies of max on each slave machine ( they don't have to be liscenced, slave nodes are free)
add the IP adress of each Slave into the distributed renderer roll out
Have you ever done network rendering before? I suggest choosing 1 software first, and get your setup working with it. That will iron out a bunch of issues. Then see about extending things.
Do you want it for your own in-house use? Or do you want to share with friends? Or do you want to sell time to others all across the world? Very different setups required.
Here is the scenario i use my HP desktop for modeling and send the render into my network.
Install copies of max on each slave machine ( they don't have to be liscenced, slave nodes are free)
add the IP adress of each Slave into the distributed renderer roll out
fire off a render
Not a Blender user, but there seems to be more that a few ways to do distributed rendering:
https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=blender distributed rendering