Hey guys!
New here, but I was hoping that some of you could help and give me some critiques on this fairly recent piece I did. I've worked in 3d off and on for the last several years, but only within the last year have I really gotten into texturing in any significant way.
I got some feedback recently from a friend that it needed some materials redone, that it didn't look like painted metal, and needed more material variety. Here is a before and after along with some other views, etc. This was textured in Quixel DDO btw.
Original concept is from the MechWarrior IP. Not any other references other than one image I found, posted below as well.
Original Reference
Any thoughts or critiques are welcome! Thanks in advance everyone!
On the head piece, would you think that it may just be that the material and renders could be improved to better show design elements from the original concept?
Also, the tubes, do you mean the shoulder mounted laser looking objects? If so, I could see what you mean on that. Could be read as a faceted look. I guess when I modeled it I interpreted the concept a little different than it being paneled. I'll be sure and take a look at other peoples' results. Thanks a ton btw!
a quick draw over for the head, look for the flatten shape on the top, the side panel around the head almost like a bevel. the extrusions at the top of the mask where it meets the roof of the head should be pulled back a bit. Then the detailing on the side looks like they should meet closer together, and then you can add the cut at the bottom too. Hope the drawing helps clarify what I am seeing
Also if he is stand in dirt, make him dirty! using roughness and colors to help break up just the gray and red a bit. looks like he has a plasma gun, add some burn on there.
The arms, for example, aren't long enough have hands behind the claw-like grippers.
The proportions and surface detail overall, while acceptable for a miniature game where this miniature will be tiny, looks basic and blocky full size.
Anyways, I would say just initially that these renders, particularly the posed ones, look much better. Thoughts?
I'll take a look at the metal for the hands. With that, do you mean the whole gun piece, barrel, etc., or just the claw pieces?
The wear and tear looks a bit odd because it appears that youve got red paint that has been worn away but underneath seems to be more white paint. Usually people would wear away the paint to the bare metal underneath on models like this. I like the dirt on the feet but I feel there are scale issues, the base with the mud might actually be making this guy look small as hes made big deep footprints in the mud and the mud looks about normal size for a human ( no scale references eg stones, bushes, trees, rocks, a car etc). If this is a massive mech I reckon each foot is about the size of a car and therefore hes about 1.5 meters deep in mud which seems odd as mud is usally not that deep at all.
For the red paint wear (and paint wear in general) it is actually the bare metal underneath you are seeing. I think the reflection right now in those renders may be a bit hot, so that must be what you are seeing. So thanks for that feedback as well! Now I can know I need to maybe ease up on that a bit.
Good points on the scale reference too. I'll take a look at changing some aspects. Just so you know, this is supposed to be human scale. Not a giant mech like you see in most designs.
Any thoughts? I'll probably do some touch ups on it in a little bit. Also will have the model posed again soon.
Any thoughts on it? Thanks!