Not so long ago, I saw the work of a very talented modeler. At work, he does not use turbosmooth, and immediately makes the high poly mesh. He use the max and often uses chamfers.
Do you know what some tutorials teaching this technique.
Is there any benefit of doing high-poly without turbosmooth? me personally don't like to do that since it's hard to control the curved object with lots of verts, unless there's a proper workflow that I haven't aware of yet.
No trick to it really, just a matter of planning the block out and starting with a high enough res to gain the curvature. Manual edge reroute/termination. Smoothing group setup. Probably some intelligent use of booleans (matching edgeloops rather than jamming primitives together)
The model contains a lot of standard primitive forms and repeating details(which adds percieved complexity) It is a great looking model but it also looks like you're on your way. You don't need a tutorial. Just keep practicing till you master it.
The model contains a lot of standard primitive forms and repeating details(which adds percieved complexity) It is a great looking model but it also looks like you're on your way. You don't need a tutorial. Just keep practicing till you master it.