I´m a current (1st year) student with pretty much 0 skill trying to get to a professional level of concept art.
I usually do creature concepts as i enjoy those the most. My problem is that i always hit an early stage of drawing in which the artwork itself is still very rough but i simply lack the knowledge or skill to continue my drawing.
As I just recently discovered this site i hope im "posting" this into the correct section.
I would really appreciate if someone can take a look at my work and tell me what should be my next step ; what makes the drawing look so dull and lifeless etc. Just whatever passes your mind to help me improve.
About the artwork itself : its just a basic creature concept to which I tried adding environment in form of a thumbnail sketch,as you´ll be able to see its kind of colorized and kind of textured but nothing is polished not because I simply didnt do it, but because i failed and didnt know how to get it to a "clean" look/ quality.

le sketch

le environment thumbnail attempt
2nd attempt

Thanks for all those who might take their time
kind regards