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Maya 2017 modeling toolkit grayed out.

polycounter lvl 7
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Sunray polycounter lvl 7

my modeling tool kit is grayed out I can't click it. I checked if the plugin is loaded and it is anyone know why it's still gray?

(sorry for the noob question haha but I'm getting pretty damn annoyed by it)


  • bafly
    Offline / Send Message
    bafly polycounter lvl 2
    try to run that cmd in cmd line or script editor [in mel]:
    source MTprocs;
    if it worked, and you don't want do that every time,
     add this cmd in userSetup,mel/py* (at any line),
    and at next launch that issue should be solved but,
    If not, modify it like that:
    evalDeferred("MTsetToggleMenuItem");</code><pre class="CodeBlock"><code><code>source MTprocs;

    maya will try to run that at his/she's idle moment

    if you have only python version of that file:
    "MTsetToggleMenuItem;")import maya.mel as ml<br>ml.eval("source MTprocs;"

    # or 
    import maya.mel as ml
    ml.eval( 'source MTprocs;'
    +        'evalDeferred( "MTsetToggleMenuItem;" );' )<br>

     i don't know why that happens, may be some  evaluation order is messed out, by
    some confilcts with new or bad plugins/modules/packs?
    *about that userSetup file:
    - maya simply evalueates every line of that file on startup if it exists.
    whatIs userSetup;<br>- if not exists create it in any visible** scripts folder (
        /user/maya/scripts/<here> ,
        or if you have mult versions of maya and you don't want that cmd 
        be evauated for all them:
        /user/maya/<version> le me guess... 2017/scripts/<here>)
    getenv maya_script_path;
    getenv maya_script_path;
    - to checkout location of this file type in cmd line[mel]:
    **to find all visible for maya scripts locations (win)[mel]:
  • bafly
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    bafly polycounter lvl 2
    oh maybe just plugin is loaded off, check it fisrt!:
    1. menu (windows/"settings/preferences"/plug-in manager/modelingToolkit.mll)
    2. check (load) and (autoload)
  • bafly
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    bafly polycounter lvl 2
    ive searched deeper, in my case, toolkit is good, but ui is little laggy, so all is needed is to set that UI button to active, its just disabled somehow... maybe by default button is created disabled... or maya somehwere in internalVars saved that last turend off state

    cmd that just makes that button clickable [mel]:
    iconTextCheckBox -e -enable 1 $gModelingToolkitButton;

    ps: value of that global var is:
  • Sunray
    Offline / Send Message
    Sunray polycounter lvl 7
    Hey thanks you so much

    1. source MTprocs;
    2. MTsetToggleMenuItem;
    worked I'll just put that in every time when I need the kit. I don't understand the whole code thing yet to good.
  • Sunray
    Offline / Send Message
    Sunray polycounter lvl 7
    @bafly Hey,

    I see I forgot to @ you so here once again thank you. Would you also have any idea why the modeling toolkit is extremely slow? Even when I delete history snap mesh is only 22k tris. 

  • ll__Nini__ll

    I had the same problem, code work but the problem was recursive, even with code in userSetup.py/mel.

    I manage to fix it permanently by reloading the pluggin manually in maya, in the pluggin manager, by clicking browse and selecting modelingtoolkit.mll.

    Thanks for helping 
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