Hi everybody,
now, I'm on my way to recreate the interior of the Cardiff Coal Exchange and transform it in an abandoned train station. I want to create the feeling that it wasn't left from a long time.
I wanted to show you where my project is headed to and, most of all, catch any advice and critique from you.
These are some references of the beautiful art deco architecture. I love art deco!
Most of them comes from bcd-urbex.com, a great place to find reference of adandoned and old places.
All modular meshes are almost done. Assets like benches, a fire hose, stacked chairs, wires, and some other objects to create some movement needs to be built. I'm planning to do the floor with Substance Designer, so I can start learning the program.
Light maps need some tweakings, and, as you can see, meshes got only normals and AO.
I changed some of the decorations. The idea is to focus on materials, lights and composition.
Hope to have many critiques from you, so I can improve my project and skills.