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3DS max 2016 Cut tool.

polycounter lvl 4
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DirkJan polycounter lvl 4
So I am having an issue that I have not had before. When I want to cut out difficult shapes, or shapes on a plane I usually use circle for example to draw over with the cut tool. Somehow this partly does not work anymore. 

It works in a new file, on a new object.
It also works on an old file, but only when I have the viewport camera tilted at an awkward angle. As soon as I snap back to a Front/Left/etc. view it somehow snaps, I see the weird cutting tool line appear but I cant cut anything. This really frustrates me a lot because it's my bread and butter when I am modeling. 

Some Images to further display the problem.
Here you see I can cut, a weird shape in the side of the model. I can click where ever I want and it adds vertices.

And here in a straight view it refuses to work. I just get this weird cutting tool line but when I click nothing happends.

I hope it's something easy and you guys can help me with it.




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