Hey guys,
I've recently switched my workstation to a different desktop and i've just finished installing all my programs and plugins. There's one thing that i can't wrap my head around though and that's hotkeys inside 3dsmax. I've always had a hotkey for inside the UV editor so that when i press 's' when i have an edge selected it automatically gets stitched. After changing this hotkey to 's' on my new workstation it doesn't seem to work. Instead it toggles 'snaps toggle' in the main UI even though i'm currently working in the uv editor.
Default hotkeys like pressing ctrl+B top break things apart still works though. It just seems that hotkeys don't work when that key is already assigned to something in the main UI.
I hope someone has an easy fix for this! Thanks for reading.
What happens when you open CUI, in keyboard tab, and press S in the hotkey field?
The keyboard shortcut override will allow the shortcuts from sub-menus and tools, to override the main Max default shortcuts. This is what allows you to have S bound to multiple things, it's how 3dsmax does context sensitivity...
I'm not going to try and defend it or say it's a good idea but it is how it works.
If you have S bound to anything else in the main shortcut list, you MUST have Keyboard Shortcut Override turned on and have the UV editor window active, for it to respect the sub-menu shortcut.
The other fix for this is to turn off KBSO and unbind S from everything else so there is only one thing that it does. The other option if you go this route is to start using some custom scripts to define your keyboard shortcuts.
It will probably solve your problem and open you the door to multitap shortcuts and context sensitive shortcuts.
Config can be saved exported and shared as well.
You will be hable to keep s for snap, double tap s for stitch ... And if you create your own context sensitive function with 'modifier' as game changer you can keep single tap s for snap and once unwarp is active it can become stitch. You just have to create a function it's really easy.