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generic ORC warlord

polycounter lvl 6
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superdroso polycounter lvl 6
Hi guys,

 I've hesitated before to post ont his site. But time is now :)

So let me introduce myself. i'm 33yo and i'm a 3D Hobbyist. I've started 3D modeling 2 month ago on my freetime.
For now, from what i can say, it's time consuming :) There is a lot of knowledge to assimilate and choices to do....
So you 'll find below my second 3d character. It's my first "full" poly character. A "generic Orc Warlord".
For the story, it's based upon a personnal old design (with some update from google search done on LoTR "Shadow of Mordor") .It took me 4 days to complete.
The polycount is the following (i'd try to stay "low") -> Around 9K with accessories and the sword. For the texturing, i've used 3 maps : 1x2048 (head, torso/legs/arms), 1x512 (eyes, hair, ventral leather) and 1x1024 (sword & apparels).

There is still a lot of work in order to optimize the mesh : delete the back face which are still present, smoothing more polygon group, rework the eyes (near 1320 tri for both), retriangulate the mesh (i've read that is was better )... and add it a pelvis xD
As i've written before there is still a lot of work to do.. i don't know if i will finish it, but i would like to share it. I hope you enjoy it and you share some feedbacks with me (i need it !!):smile:

PS : i've added a PN tesselation on the dress. It's kind of cool.

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