Hello. I would like to ask You for Your help. I have problem with Vertex Normals, or at least I think that this is my problem ^^
I have low poly model. And this model looks weird. Normal map is sometimes fixing it and sometimes not. I would like to know how I can avoid it. How can I fix it ?
I know that my geometry is well ... not good looking. I also know that I can fix those bugs by adding geometry but I am kinda lost. I mean this is low poly so I wanted to get as low polycount as I could. How should I add geometry ? Or maybe there is some other way ?

Thanks and Cheers !
These shading errors are caused by the vertex normals. Might help to read up on them.
I read a little about vertex normals and I think that now I have a small grasp of it. I will check these scripts for Maya tomorrow but what can I do if these scripts won't help me ? Should I somehow change my geometry ?
But the truth is that these kind of bugs are looking good in vieport in Substance but they look horrible in UE4.
I am propably missing something here but I don't know what :P
Instead of making edge loops or hard/splitted edges you could just rotate vertex normals themselves to be perfectly perpendicular to main surface. It would transfer shading gradients into less important areas.