Hey guys i'm a uni student working on a course brief to replicate Jc
leyendeckers' style for a concepting project. I have done a study to try and learn from him. Does anyone here have any experience rendering his painting style digitally. if so any advice would be greatly welcomed. In addition may I have some feedback on this study I have made. Again I would greatly like feedback on how I attempted his rendering style. Thank you

Hiya this was my second attempt at approaching his style digitally. I worked with a much more flatter brush and used the chishelled method as you suggested. I am still at a loss at how one would make shadows transparent digitally like the artist suggests. Do you have any ideas or clues as to how this could be done? Anyway I would like to thank you for the feedback and once again ask for some help on this one
You need to learn how to see and copy accurately before you are able to really begin tackling a problem such as this.
This is a good guide on how to do that. http://www.dorian-iten.com/accuracy/