Hi everyone, I'm stuck and need some expert advice. I know quite a bit about 3D modeling at the intermediate-ish level and I want to make the leap to detail/advanced modeling. Can anyone provide me some good techniques or information how I would create detailed parts like:
https://www.artstation.com/artist/vektormaxx? I want to start with something easy like this image. What do you think these are, booles? Multiple parts? Normal maps? Multi-mesh scripts? AutoCAD? I want to create them in easiest way possible, but mine aren't really coming out very well when I try to put in the tiny details. I'm just a hobby user, so anything you can provide is greatly appreciated!
They look to me like subdivision surface models.
We have a lot of good resources for learning subd techniques on our wiki.
Some people prefer using Zbrush only to create hard surface meshes, completely different workflow.
There's been a lot of interest lately in more automatic methods of subdividing. You get the same amount of bevel across the model, but its very quick.
Best way to improve is to make a thread in 3D Showcase, show your work, and ask for crits. Keep working on your stuff, and keep posting updates.