Hello everyone,
I created some classic movements for players as the dash or 2jump, but client can't use it, and only run and jump like a basic tps character. So I know there's a loooot of post relating about that on internet, working with the "Switch has authority", but I don't understand how to use it properly. I probably have to make more functions to run with, but some times I need events, that are not present in the function graphic.
Here's one exemple of my movement blueprints :
How could I make it ?
Thank you !
Here's another action that I've tested networking on :
I made a "DashEvent" multicast replicated, and my "RIsPressed" variable is set on replicated (although I don't know if it's needed). I builded it following the "Replicating Function in Blueprints" tutorial. But the fact is it still doesn't work. I don't know if I'm searching in the right direction, because replication is used to display an action to chosen players/server, right ? And in my case the client just cannot perform the action...
What am I doing wrong ?
Edit : when I set my "DashEvent" to "Run on Server" like in many tutorials, the client can make the server dash, so in a way it's working. I don't get it.