A new separate thread stemmed from the
Polyhertz's 3dsMax script - 'Quick High-Poly' discussion.
MXS modifier for download here:
http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/insetfix-modifier- InsetFix.ms is just the fixed inset-by-smoothing-groups modifier - it gives a cleaner result than simple inset but it's also slower (you won't notice that with simple models but for complex models you are better of using the regular inset)
- InsetFixChamferStack.ms is a modifier that adds the complete inset+chamfer interactive stack
- InsetFixQuadChamferStack.ms does the same but uses Quad Chamfer instead of max Chamfer (you need to have the Quad Chamfer modifier for it to work)
As it is a modifier, everything is procedural and you can return to the base object and change stuff any time.
If you only want a regular inset by smoothing groups modifier and don't mind its shortcomings (it's the one shown in the gif above and does basically what the original Polyhertz's script does, just as a modifier combo), you can get it here:
http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/inset-by-smoothing-groupFor complex models I
strongly suggest you use this one as it's much faster.
For those who don't mind some tinkering and playing with something that breaks easily, and want to learn MCG, here's also the original MCG modifier:
http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/mcg/inset-chamferBear in mind that you'll be basically a betatester if you install it, as there are still quite a few unsolved issues. Any pointers, suggestions etc are welcome.
If you decide to use the Smooth modifier in the stack and you get unexpected results after enabling it, you might want to try unchecking Prevent Indirect Smoothing.
If you get an error message, please open the maxscript listener window (F11 hotkey), copy its contents (should say what happened and what the values were), send it to pastebin and insert the link here. If you are able to reproduce it on a given mesh and you are allowed to share the model, it's even better if you attach the file as well.
Sorry if this is an annoying question.........brain not fully functioning....
not just in the scripts directory.
The main reason for different handling of corners compared to the basic inset modifier is that diagonal edges created at corners distort the chamfer that's applied to it (so far, you still have to add a chamfer modifier for the bevel) - see the regular inset as a base (top) vs insetFix as a base (bottom):
As of now, it doesn't keep smoothing groups and doesn't select the 'crease' edges either - better treat it as a WIP and to see where I'm heading. I'm doing this in my free time and for free so I can't really tell when I will return to it and expand the feature set.
@Swordslayer I have tested your tool for a couple of days and it's quiete good. The only feedback i have is that it doesn't seems to work with open edges. So before applying the fixinset i need to close my model [cap poly]. If this can be fixed that would be definitly a solid solution.
Both scripts were ran default on the same mesh with the same inset/chamfer settings. Any ideas what's going on?
I did the same shape than your and it's pretty clean by my side.
As for the inner corners, I opted for a dirtier topology when the chamfer modifier is applied to the edge selection - the reason is to avoid pinching in those corners (the sharp top 'triangle' in the green circle). Also, you don't need inset that big when the chamfer value is small, the red line indicates what I'd use.
You are probably used to bump it up because of the inconsistent radius that is different on corners where more edges meet when doing simple insets (see picture below) but the radius is consistent with insetFix, I promise (that's also the reason for the Fix in the name).
I also get "Unknown property: "initInsetVerts" in undefined"
(the top part, the bottom shows the maxscript editor that highlights the line where the error occured). It's more wordy since max 2017 but you get the idea.
I was thinking of making the Fix optional so that the insetSGFix would be in this 'preview mode' by default and you'd only turn on the fix at the end (when you're ready to collapse the stack) but so far nobody complained about performance and it would make it more complicated, so I instead released a different version that always behaves as expected and put this disclaimer in place instead.
Swordslayer .. can I ask what you're doing to manage inset overlaps? I've been looking at various algorithms but I've not seen anything that isn't inherently slow or immediately suited to working in 3d. I've not tried your script as I'm not using 2016
re the 2015 questions : as I believe swordslayer has said previously, you can't do this in a modifier in 2015 due to limitations in the system.