I was preparing the mesh for Zbrush and everything was going great after i imported it to Zbrush it looks different. I've done a lot of things in Zbrush but i haven't had this problem before and honestly don't know how to troubleshoot it.
The problem is in the bottom, this is how it should look like:
Note: the problem is in the bottom faces in Zbrush they look like they are not capped and upscaled but in Max there's no open geometry.
Otherwise go to Display>Double in Zbrush
There were some rats nest on the bottom corner piece of the structure for some strange reason, i used GoZ to export the object back to 3ds Max and simply remove the mysterious, unwanted, non-capped faces. Thank you very much for your time and help
Glad you found the fix though! Also feel free to ask any questions about the course.