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[New Challenge] Creature Movement

Hey guys, I think its time for a new challenge thread! Since we've mainly focused on human movement so far we could do something to do with creatures. That could getting the ceature from one spot to another and be a walk, climb, obstacle course, flying, jump.. etc.

The main thing is to bring across the creatures unique characteristics in whatever you do, so if it has wings, use them. If it has 20 legs, use them. Just get the creature from A to B in some way that is unique to that creature

Example free rigs (but use whatever you like):

Dragon / T-Rex / More - https://gumroad.com/truongcgartist#
Dota 2 Creatures - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=187943419#169794
Animation Buffet - http://animationbuffet.blogspot.co.uk/

As always if you have a better idea for a challenge let me know and we can change it :)


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