So as i was working on an environment in UE4 i noticed some of my props had terrible shading, i didn't think much of it and thought it could be the lighting, until i noticed, while i was creating a new material, that the shading got worse once i inputted a normal map.
Turns out, that all the props that had bad shading, had the normal map settings set to WorldNormalMap in the texture group and Normalmap compression in the compression settings. After turning to World (texture group) and Default in the compression settings the bad shading was gone.
I don't know if this is some sort of bug in the new UE version, anyway, my question is apparently my normal maps should have their settings set to World and Default? Am i losing something by change their settings?
Essentially I don't think you're losing anything changing those settings, but I'd probably still try checking if the props work in a previous version/clean project just to make sure.