Hey guys,
I am looking to move on from my battered 3rd hand Intuos 3 tablet, and I am really keen to move onto a cintiq style on-screen model. I originally was more of a pencil & paper type artist, and getting used to a non-visual tablet was a chore, I'm there now more or less, but a part of me really wants to be able to draw/sculpt right where I am looking...
I cannot afford the bigger Cintiqs... they are way out of my budget, and will be for a good long while. The 13HD are on sale on amazon.co.uk, and I just got paid... and I am seriously thinking of getting one. But before I do, I wanted to get some professional (that's you guys!) opinions. I looked up some older posts on this, but didn't get much info from them... so here are my questions:
- Has anyone used/is currently using this for sculpting in zbrush? How do you find it?
- Can it be used as a standard (non-display) tablet as well?
That's all I really wanna know! Thanks guys
I bought one a while ago and sold it two months later, maybe less, and I went back to my intuos.
The screen is really small for zbrush and for sculpting or modeling in general. If you don't have a problem with the size of the screen it is a really nice tablet overall.
have you looked into a 2nd hand / refurbished 'proper' cintiq?
Sculpting with zbrush was really great, but i had to use a custom UI to enlarge the canvas and increase the button and text size a little bit.
I switched because it was impossible for me to work on a fullHD screen that small for more than 3h a day.
So if you are going for short time sessions, it's a good tablet, otherwise, it can become really exhausting for your eyes IMO.
Many thanks to all who gave me some input