Hello all,
I thought I would share my new portfolio website along with the new content I have put on it.
I finally have a blog section that contains a run through of tutorials and tools I have and will be developing! There is some interesting stuff on there concerning Maya pipeline setups, how SVN externals can be useful for your project and also a couple of quick scripts and tools you may find useful:
Customising your Maya toolbar tutorial.
Rigid Skin Master (A handy rigidbody skinning tool):
Cuts time rigid skinning objects & allows you to iterate over your models without having to delete history etc.
File Runner:
A handy Qt class for python developers who find themselves iterating files constantly
All inclusive Maya bootstraps part 1 & 2
How to use SVN externals in your project:
Why they can be powerful and how you can use them
Some older Maxscripts I developed some time ago
Take a quick look and let me know what you think