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3ds Max - Load times with Customize UI panel

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Justo polycounter
So in Max 2015, Customize User Interface is taking at least 30 secs to pop up. This is frustrating, since Max freezes until it pops up. This was not the case with older versions, like 2012, where at most it would take 5 secs. 

Does anyone know why this happens on later versions, and if there is a fix to this? 


  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    You know Max 2014 would take a long time to open for me, but with 2017 it's like 3 seconds. I have practically the same scripts and plugins installed on both.

    Sorry I couldn't help more.
  • Mark Dygert
    From 2014 to 2017 the UI was undergoing a massive switch to QT. It's not surprising that 2015 and 16 are a mess, it seemed to have the worst of both worlds for a while. Now that they're mostly finished and 2017 is switched over to QT things should be a lot more stable, open and flexible.

  • Justo
    Offline / Send Message
    Justo polycounter
    Thanks for your input guys. I was under the impression 2017 introduced lots of annoying bugs that SPs never fixed/made worse, thus my desire not to upgrade. It's too bad there's not any file I can delete or something to magically make things faster, but I guess that's to be expected. 
  • monster
    Offline / Send Message
    monster polycounter
    2016 is the one that got worse with Service Packs, memory leaks, and instability. There are a couple of Unwrap UVW bugs in 2017, but it's pretty stable overall.

    The unwrap bugs are 1. Select Overlapping Polygons is not working. 2. Peel Mode moves unselected UV elements.
  • Justo
    Offline / Send Message
    Justo polycounter
    Oh! Well that clears it up. Thanks Juan, I'll be upgrading then thanks to you.
  • Justo
    Offline / Send Message
    Justo polycounter
    I think I found the problem. I just upgraded to 2017 and was glad to see load times were like 2 seconds, like Monster said. The problem comes when I tried to load my preferences: the loading times roughly go from 2 to 20. I have modified my top Menus, and when I hit Reset on that, the UI Interface once again loaded fast and normal.

    So okay, I can live without the menus, or I can redo them if I have to, but if I hit the reset button in the Menus tab, it'll reset my quad menus too, since it all comes from the same .mnux file. Tried to modify the file in Notepad transplating the "standard" menus into the previous one while keeping the old quad menus, but no luck. Oh well, I'll redo the quad menus then, and report if loading times improved are not affected...
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