Yeah, I think giving the cycle more time would help give off more of an elegant vibe (well, I think that is what you are going for). It also feels very 'stompy,' probably because for how extreme the head is moving. The right arm definitely feels kinda strange. The timing of the swing as well as the places it extension needs some attention, imo. Lastly, watch those knee pops, I definitely see some in the right leg before it hits the ground. I hope this helps in some way. Hope to see the next iteration.
Its definitely a bit too fast. Try slowing it down and smooth out the curves on the arms, they seem to slow down and speed up at the wrong times. The head also moves too much, generally the head should stay fairly straight in a standardwalk. It looks way to heavy at the moment.
Also try straightening the leg before it hits the floor, it is currently always bending.
Also try straightening the leg before it hits the floor, it is currently always bending.