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Frustrating Pelt Unwrap Issue

Hey guys! Every now and again I run in to this really annoying issue with pelt unwrapping and I have no idea what caused it or how to fix it. I've been using 3DSMax for years and ever since the pelt function got introduced, I've intermittently experienced it. 

This leads me to believe I'm hitting some sort of hotkey that changes a setting somewhere, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out. So I'm hoping you guys can.

So let's say I've got this box:

I've already set the pelt seams and everything. Nothing fancy going on here, just your standard editable poly box. However when I expand the poly selection to seams and hit the pelt button, this happens:

The UVs appear to not exist. If I move around and scroll in and out I can see that it looks like the UVs are expanding out to infinity. Starting the pelt/relaxing don't appear to do anything.

Stranger still, if I only select one face and hit pelt, it works like it should. So does that mean I've hit some sort of setting that prevents the entire mesh from being unwrapped through pelt at once? Why would that even exist?

Help me intarwebs!!!
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