Hi everyone I'm currently batch rendering a single frame for a composite I'm doing for a school project and I'm running into a issue where when I hit render and it finishes at 50% completion with the render file structure in my project folder but not any final images.
This happens every time with out fail at 50% and I'm unsure what to do as I've played and tweaked with my settings continuously and have had no progress with solving this issue.
I would appreciate if someone could help with my problem I'm unsure if I have a issue with my file being corrupted or because some fault in my settings
I'm rendering in passes as this will be used for a composition in nuke afterwards, all my settings are in screenshot and available to review in a .zip attachment for download (apologizes but that was the easy way to link them).
To be honest I have no idea whats going on any would really appreciate any suggestions on ways to possibly fix this problem
Kind Regards
Are you able to solo or disable render passes? Since you're not getting any files, it may even be failing on the first pass, which I assume is diffuse. I don't see anything wrong in your settings, it may be helpful to check your geometry, try hiding your scene and drop in a cube on a plane and see how that renders; if it does, then you can start to hone in on a model or material.