Over the past couple of days, I've been writing a little script in Python that gives you a handful of random prompts to draw, and I think it'd be fun to use it as a kind of daily (or almost daily) drawing challenge for myself. The script itself is nothing fancy as I'm still pretty much a beginner at programming, plus it still needs some tweaking here and there, but I'm happy I was able to accomplish this much, little as it may be. But enough of that; let's get started!
First prompt:
concept art → monster → big teeth → blue → stylized/cartoonySo that's what I'm going to draw now. I'll try to upload it later today, but if I can't manage I'll post it tomorrow. Anyway, I'm really excited to try this out and I hope you guys will have some fun as well.

concept art → monster → big teeth → blue → stylized/cartoony
I'm not entirely happy with it, but that's okay. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
concept art → monster → two in one → style up to you
Only gray-scale for this one because I didn't want to slapdash some quick color on it. What I could do better next time: give him more volume; he looks pretty flat.
And the second thing:
study → color study
I downloaded the test version of Painter 2017 and thought I could do this prompt while exploring the software some more and I'm glad I did. I started with an under-painting that had mostly warm colors (you can see reds, oranges, and purples peek through here and there) and glazed over it with blue to turquoise slabs of paint.