So, after finishing university a year ago, I've been on the job hunt since then, but I've quickly come to realize that my portfolio is quite weak or/and doesn't showcase any particular skills.
I had for quite some time been thinking on what field of 3D I should specialize in, and the field that seems to interest me the most is vehicle modeling. My passion for cars since a young age, the recent Mad Max game, and very aspects of vehicle mechanics seem to tell me that this is the field I'm more knowledgeable in and would love to work in.
As such, I come here to ask you all what skills and techniques I should focus on learning, and what people to look to for guidance or as a sort of "role-model".
You can recommend me anything you like, videos, books, etc... As long as it is able to further my knowledge in the field and pushes to create a bigger and more specialized portfolio, I'm down for checking it out!
As a first impressions, I'm guessing this field focuses a lot on hard-surface modeling and the creation of metallic based textures (rust, paint, steel, etc...). But, please, feel free to correct me on this, or add even more basics to that list!
Thank you in advance for anyone that contributes to this topic!
PS: I currently use Blender for modeling. For image editing, since I've got 0€, something like GIMP.
Also, this is my current portfolio, for anyone interested in seeing/critiquing it:
Skywind proj; you probably should take screenshots of those assets from inside the game as well. The lighting will most likely be better than from what you have. And screenshot will provide context, and how they look exactly in the game; which is important.
Start making cars, I guess.
I would say consider broadening your scope to include hard surface modeling - weapons, mechs, etc. - It's basically the same skill set, but it will open up more opportunities to do hard surface modeling. Which will help make you a better vehicle artist
What's cool about the game industry, is you can basically create your own destiny. If you focus on it and keep at it long enough, you can have a really cool job, at a really cool place. Making really cool stuff.
It's gonna take a good amount of time and effort, but it's there waiting for you if you want it bad enough.
So ya man, go for it.
That said, I work military simulation as a second full-time job (alongside the work I do for Quixel) at a local defense contractor here in Orlando, and my job is literally nothing but making vehicles, unwrapping them, and texturing them. Here's an example of the work I create at the office. We're working with 4k textures now but the models are about the same in terms of polygonal density.
The field is highly specialized into knowing exactly how to produce a realistic look in a very short amount of time. I'd give specifics regarding time-frame, but it's not something I'm really permitted to talk about. I'll gladly answer any questions that I can regarding workflow if you'd like to know more!
StarKingX wrote:
I'm still stuck. I'm almost broke. I need a live person to help me. Some kind of mentor. I need to land in a gaming studio ASAP. But I don't know whom to turn to. Whoever I've contacted has not responded. I could use some guidance and exercises for practice.
You've already been offered a wealth of advice and resources to get on with, so stop whining...
Here's some info I personally recommend:
A - Download a student EDU 3ds Max licence (free) or a copy of Blender (free)
B - Intro tutes for beginners 3ds Max (free) -
Intro tutes for beginners Blender (free) -
C - Car polygonal tutorials (free)
D - Open an ArtStation account too showcase a portfolio (free)
...and lastly launch a WIP or dev diary here on PC or elsewhere for feedback (free)
So get off your butt and get cracking (...that piece of advice is also FREE)
Oops, my apologies, thought you and the OP were one and the same, I was having an off day.