I am looking for a couple of artists to help finish up Chex Quest HD. This is a modern remake of the 1996 advergame, which was a Doom total conversion given away as a cereal box prize back in 1996. I'm Charles Jacobi, the lead artist on the original and have supported this gaming oddity off and on for the last 20 years. 8 years ago I made a sequel in zDoom and for the last 8 months I've been building this remake in UE4. I do this purely as a hobby and will be giving this game away for free on fan sites. Here is the thread on the fan forums for the WiP if I've somehow grabbed your interest:
There's not much there to look at currently, but I will share a playable build with any serious individuals who are willing to volunteer some time to help bring this home.
I have had conversations with General Mills (the owner of the Chex brand) and their ad agency about this project. They are aware it is being made, are enthusiastic about what's been done so far and have offered some limited support, mostly in the form of marketing / trailers when it gets closer to wrapping up. Any actual funding doesn't sound like it will happen unfortunately.
Where I could use a couple of volunteers is in environment art, though I wouldn't turn down any other offers of help from other disciplines if I got them. Beautifying the levels is just where I'm really far behind, compared to the project as a whole. Most of the gameplay is in and working at this point, I'm only missing a couple weapons, the final boss and several menu screens. The five levels are blocked out and playable. One level has about 50% beautification but the others have little or no art. Remaking the intro/outro videos using Sequencer may be done as well, but this completely depends on how much help I can wrangle.
Thanks for taking the time to read through my post! Please message me if you might be interested in helping out, keeping in mind that this is entirely an unfunded hobby project.