Before, after
Recent shows a list of the most recent posts on the forum.
Drafts will show you a few nice links:
- Recent Topics = a list of the most recent posts on the forum.
- Activity = the latest non-post changes site-wide. New members added, ranks achieved by people, avatars changed, etc.
- Drafts = all the replies you haven't posted yet. You can edit them, or you can delete them with the little x.
- Best Of = all the front-paged threads and posts with positive reactions. You can also filter it to just the frontpaged posts, just the promoted posts, or just the posts with positive reactions.
Been thinking about changing Drafts and Recent into icons, but that will have to come later.
These have been moved into the MOAR menu item. Once you go to Drafts, you'll also see Best Of and a few more things.