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Fantasy Chess Architecture

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I'm currently working on environment art for a chess game in development, and I wanted to share my progress and get any critiques anyone might have.  The game is called Chess Heroes.  I've been helping figure out a unique style for the game.. shooting for something along the lines of "Fisher price meets Blizzard".  Something that will appeal to kids, as well as preteens/teens and adults -  in a game that teaches the game of chess in a fun and interesting way, with some fantasy twists.  I've been trying to find a balance between subtle detail and colorful cartoony simplicity with the shapes and texture style.  
Here are some of pieces for a castle courtyard scene I've been working on.
This is the alpha first pass, and I'm now moving towards a polish step.  Any feedback, comments, ideas, and/or critique would be greatly appreciated!  

We're currently also running a kickstarter for the game, and I've been working on more content for that. Feel free to share. The WIP castle assets here are also featured in the footage in the alpha trailers thus far. 

Cheers and thanks!



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