I have an interview for a job tomorrow and i need help with 3ds max... im a maya user since two years and i just entered 3ds max... Im so off... but i manage mostly the features. The thing is, im at the uvw right now and when i unfold it, all the face stay squares.
In maya, we have unfold 3d which is the same, but before that, we freeze the transformation and when we unfold3d after freezing, maya take in concideration the tranformation to fit the uvs... Like, if you move edges, the face is stretched, so the uvs will fit the stretching of the face. In 3ds max, with any transformations, its stay square so the face is still stretched but the checker of the uvs are stretched too...
What can i do taking in concideration that i only have to use 3ds max 2017
If you want to move with a falloff influence, try Soft Selection. Relax is also a mainstay tool.
Many people including myself swear by the 3rd party tool PolyUnwrapper.