I'm about getting it, I'm planning on mastering some topics of art, (from drawing to sculpture)
And I'm not sure if i will need a whole year for all the things I want, probably less. Because there is a lack of some topics inside sculpture and others. Wouldn't it be better to start with Gnomon, and maybe later get other tutorials, from Gumroad, Digital Tutors, 3D Motive or wherever?
Because maybe I could save like 100$...
What do you think, guys?
I will do that
Yeah I will try both, thanks ^^
I once watched a professional character artist who'd worked on AAA titles put a long spiraling edgeloop down a characters leg in a tutorial. I don't think they realized it until the unwrapping stage when they couldn't put a clean straight UV seam, but by then their options were basically to keep going or scrap a huge chunk of the video and start over.
Mistakes happen, and even when they don't, artists rarely work in the most efficient way possible. Mostly they just work according to their own personal habits, and if they know they're wrong they'll try to instill optimal habits in people without actually following their own advice. Hence the phrase "Do as I say, not as I do."
Record your entire workflow, start to finish on a 20-40 hour asset and I guarantee you it will be full of mistakes and things you could have done better.
I'm not making this statement inside of a bubble. These issues I have with it are relative to other tutorials.
Once you have watched a couple modeling tutorials you should be good. sitting there for hours watching tutorials just leaves diminishing returns after a certain point. get the basics down and start pumping out work. You will improve much faster this way than spending hours watching others model.
When you are starting out and learning it is easy to want to consume information from as many sources as possible, but learning when to filter it and when to cut information overload is a key component of those who want to learn and improve quickly. learning 20 ways to chamfer a scifi wall panel is going to be a total waste of time when learning 1 should suffice in 99% of most situations.
Take the Tim Ferriss approach and learn the 20% of techniques and workflow that is going to give you consistently good results 80% of the time. read about the 80/20 principle for more on that. This is the key to getting really good, really quickly.
Avoid the trap I see most students falling into of thinking there is going to be some super secret trick that instantly makes you better and if only you watch 50 hours of tutorials then you will be prepared to start on your portfolio. There is no secret sauce, the really good artists out there got that way by consistently producing work and more importantly, finishing projects. and all that comes down to is simply putting in the hours and allocating time wisely.
tl;dr......don't burden yourself with a year subscription when 90% of the content on gnomon is probably not relevant to the specific position you wish to attain in the industry.
I don't know if you have any other benefits beside tutorials but I still would not go that way.
Other thing (and more effective) is to learn on your own.
Find help on any free source and let that be your basic thing, experiment, try new things, combine. You will not only gain knowledge about specific thing, you will also understand it how it works and how it can behave. Proven to be best type of learning
Looking at Gumroad tutorials from Rafel Grassetti, Frank Tzeng or for example Tim Bergholz as well a couple of guys that offer free tutorials for basic applications I think the the general advice that people gave you here is really good. Pick your specialization, grab free tutorials and buy a few on Gumroad that really are spot on for your needs and move from there.
I would rather save the money that those tutorial libraries would cost you for courses (Gnomon, CGMA,..) once you have the basics. There you get not only the lecture, but also quality feedback.
Before you get one, like others have said up here, make sure that there isn't already a free tutorial for what you want to learn. A lot of the tutorials on Gnomon are quite outdated, however the methods and techniques are still applicable
As a fellow learner, I bid you good luck, and to fail faster! Best way to learn
Digitaltutors is made towards those who are complete beginners, Gnomon is more towards mid to advanced artists looking to power up and go pro... at least the way I see it.
Gnomon has the best legendary artists tutoring on their DVDs, Scott Robertson, Syd Mead... you really can't compete with those guys. I've seen amazing artists made their career with a subscription there, but it'll all depend on what you invest (time and effort practicing the homework) on it.
I agree, except I've watched five tutorials on one subject and out of five, three I'll end up walking away with no return and only two that jump start into practice. Sometimes you have to watch alot of tutorials on a subject before you can begin.
I've bought many tutorials which may take me a year or so to complete while understanding what is being taught. I sometimes buy tutorials, then watch down the road although lately I might have to really slow things down
One thing you need to learn and watch all tutorials as in (5) tutorials on hard surface (yes I've watched five tutorials on Hardsurface modeling) modeling for example, is something that can't be bought; Time.
Also would you all agree that if your tutorials came with a companion courseware ebook and Skype connection with a LIVE instructor to assist in answering questions or helping you troubleshoot, that the courses would be more valuable and conducive toward learning?
**PS: If anyone here is interested in possibly becoming a beta tester on my new workshops I'm considering rolling out, please PM me so I can connect with you privately.