Hi, I'm new to this whole modeling thing, and I just recently resolved a problem about my edges coming out hard on my UV normal maps which people on this site have helped me solve. So I'm back with another issue where the UV normals for some of my model parts just aren't showing up on Xnormal at all when I generate the map. It's just sort of showing up blank like below.
I feel like it's most definitely a UV set/layout sort of problem since it works for one 'set' of UVs but the others just don't read. So I can't help but feel like I'm either missing a step here in the process or something else really simple.
If someone could help me out I would really appreciate it.
It's also scant on information, shots of the uv's themselves & highpoly/lowpoly as well as the software you're using to author the models would be appropriate.
I used UVlayout to unwrap the mesh and I am currently using Maya to model.
I'm only getting results for this one 'set' of low polys.
and for some reason I'm getting the blank thing as shown in the previous post for the others.
And I'm not exporting these as one set, I'm exporting all of them one by one and generating the maps one by one, but again, I'm only getting the normals for the low polys shown in the first image.
Thanks for the tip!
Make sure you have the texture plugged into the color node of your material, you can check that in the hypershade (windows>rendering editors>hypershade)
Also make sure the material is applied, it will show up in the Attribute editor when the object is selected.
At this point I think you need to watch some more tutorials on Maya, Digital Tutors has been traditionally quite good if you can afford it but otherwise searching through Youtube sometimes turns up gems.