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Answered: Keyboard Shortcuts...?

So I JUST started using Quixel, I bought it since it was on sale and thought I'd have some fun learning how to make things. I had already made some Deathclaw textures with a free trial version but I really want to learn how to make things for Warframe, and make my Deathclaws cooler.
So far things have been okay... except all of the keyboard shortcuts in all of the tutorials are wrong for me... 
In the NDO sculpting, shift+space is supposed to create normal from the paint stroke.. but it doesn't do anything for me. In the painting mode as well, I have little to zero pen sensitivity? I have a Cintiq 22HD, but quixel behaves like I don't even have a brush even though I selected size and set it to 'pen pressure' in the brush settings. 
There is also no undo option?

I follow the video tutorials exactly, but my software is not doing the same thing that the tutorial shows.
I'm so sorry that this is such a newb thread. I really would like to learn this software, I'm just getting a little lost along the way.


  • Synaesthesia
  • Dachindae
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    Dachindae null
    I've got a list of the shortcut keys, but the problem is that they don't do what they need to do on my machine.
    As I said in my post, while painting in NDO, Shift+Space does NOT create a normal from the paint stroke for me 50% of the time.
    This also does not answer my question of where/if there is an undo.
    Also does not answer my question about pen sensitivity with a tablet.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    SHIFT+SPACE appears to be GPU-sensitive. It can take a couple of tries for it to register. Keep trying it until it works. We've been trying to isolate why it doesn't work 100% of the time every time.

    The pen issue stems from the Cintiq. SUITE supports Wacom tablets, but Cintiq monitors have had issues with the software in the past. Until we're able to isolate the trouble and resolve it, the best suggestion I can offer is to be sure you're using the latest Wacom drivers for your device.

    There is no undo in DDO or NDO. 3DO supports undo only if you've enabled it from the top-right button dropdown labeled Performance. It's disabled by default to improve performance for 8k painting.

    My apologies for not answering all of your post earlier. I generally don't work much, if at all, on weekends. I wanted to ensure that you weren't left hanging regarding your query about shortcuts, as it's relatively simple to link them to you. :)
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