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Character WIP/critique - Dagoth Ur

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AdamDanby triangle
hey, looking for feedback on the basic shapes/silhouette for my dagoth ur remake. mainly following the concept from Hieronymus7Z here



  • Tomtegubbe
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    Tomtegubbe triangle
    From what I can tell the arms or maybe specifically the hands are too large. The crotch looks like it might be a bit too low, hard to tell because of his skirt. His torso looks a bit too ripped, and perfectly symmetrical. If you remove all the clothes and post another image it would be easier to see what's off.

    Looking good though.
  • AdamDanby
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    AdamDanby triangle
    sure thing, cheers for input

    fwiw, his hands were intended to be overlarge as in his morrowind appearance. any advice on keeping the overlarge hands without it looking wrong? some of the other anatomy (like around his neck) is also exaggerated
  • Tomtegubbe
    Offline / Send Message
    Tomtegubbe triangle

    The proportions actually seem spot on, the only thing that's off are the hands. I still think he might look a bit too ripped around his tummy area.

    The only "realistic" way I know of how to make large hands look good on a humanoid is to make the humanoid taller by making his head smaller. Look at the 9 head guy to the far right. His hands are about as large as his head, just like your character.

    Alternatively if you just like to silhouette of the large hands and their size don't really matter you could just make the nails longer otherwise I think you would simply have to make the creature larger.
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