Paint or generate it in whatever program you want any way you like. This is an unanswerable question given how vague it is.
You've made a lot of threads recently asking related questions that could be answered by learning more about the processes behind making last or current gen art. Much of the information you could find on the wiki or by quick and simple google searches or youtube videos. You also made a post about understanding Substance Painter through and through:
I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I'm trying to make a point. You've got a lot of generally vague questions while not showing any of the research or work you've done yourself. You say you now understand two different texturing programs while asking things you would already know if you really understood them and did the research + work. If you understood Substance Painter and 3d Coat, you would intuitively deduce that a diffuse map cannot be made in xNormal.
It is really hard to give helpful advice when your posts are unclear or conflicting. So to start off: What are you really trying to accomplish? Are you making a traditional diffuse map, or do you mean it in the modern sense (where Albedo/BaseColor/Diffuse are the same thing)?
You've made a lot of threads recently asking related questions that could be answered by learning more about the processes behind making last or current gen art. Much of the information you could find on the wiki or by quick and simple google searches or youtube videos. You also made a post about understanding Substance Painter through and through:
From that post, it makes this thread along with these:
pretty confusing.
I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I'm trying to make a point. You've got a lot of generally vague questions while not showing any of the research or work you've done yourself. You say you now understand two different texturing programs while asking things you would already know if you really understood them and did the research + work. If you understood Substance Painter and 3d Coat, you would intuitively deduce that a diffuse map cannot be made in xNormal.
It is really hard to give helpful advice when your posts are unclear or conflicting. So to start off: What are you really trying to accomplish? Are you making a traditional diffuse map, or do you mean it in the modern sense (where Albedo/BaseColor/Diffuse are the same thing)?